Thursday, March 18, 2010

American Eagle Models Hit Tri-Cities, Washington

Boy does this photo make me feel old. Not only because my daughter is now old enough to have her braces off, and be wishing for her drivers license. But all her friends look like American Eagle Models! I felt so tickled when she asked me to do a fun photo shoot with her and her friends.(Hannah is the one on the far right). I use to take her picture all the time. I'm a photographer, I have two daughters, its bound to happen...a few hundred times a year. Then one day my oldest put her foot down, I think she was about 8 and said, "NOT NOW MOM!" I began hiding my attempts by disguising the camera under clothes, trying to get shots while they weren't looking. By then my children had developed what I like to call, "Lens Radar". So it became harder and harder to get a shot of my children without creating a "situation". ( That word makes me laugh since Jersey Shore, not that Ive ever seen a real episode, only references to it... honest) Since my oldest has now just turned 15, and my youngest 11, their vanity is taking over....(I can get away with saying things like this, cause they don't read the blog) Reading your own moms blog rates about a -9 on the Cool Teen Meter. But the fact is, vanity will get the best of you as a teen, and so she came to me and asked if I could do this photo shoot. What great friends she has. Not only are they all beautiful, but each so amazing in spirit as well. I had such a great time, and best of all I didn't have to hide the camera!H-75b



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