Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chase & Jillian; Tri-Cities Wedding Photography

Ive often thought it would be fun to do a KB Top Amazing List for each year. The categories would be.... Most Photographic Wedding Cake, Wedding Dress, Best Dance moves at a reception, heaviest bouquet, highest wedding shoes worn, Most Photographic Wedding Sky....and so on. I think that would be a fun thing to do. I know right away what would make the tops list for Chase and Jillian's day.

Ive never heard a more beautiful heart felt set of vows that were hand written and given with such sweet emotion. I was crying like a baby, and that's not good when you are trying to take shots with a long lens from a distance.

"Best Dip" would also be awarded to Chase and Jillian. Without any instruction whatsoever, they went right into a beautiful dip for us topped off with a passionate kiss and lots of feeling.

Then there were her hands. Now as photographers we see alot of hands. Close up shots require it. Jillian could be a hand model for sure. Its not easy at all sometimes to know exactly how to make your hands look good to a camera, but somehow Jillian's hands knew exactly how to be, and with such grace each time. It makes our job 10 times easier on those tight shots.

The last but certainly not least "top" for this wedding, had to be the Cupcake tower~! This seems to be a popular item this year, but Jillian collects everything "Cupcake" and has for sometime. So this girl knows her stuff, and the cupcake tower was AMAZING~!

We had such an amazing fun sweet time at this wedding. I went home with renewed determination to be a better wife, and a craving for cupcakes.....







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